Sunday, September 1, 2013

One week from now...

...I will be in Chicago, on the starting line, warmed up and ready to run!

I can't believe the half marathon is almost here. Tonight is night number three of six, half-way through my overnight work week. Taking it easy this week on the running, just easy 3 milers every other day or so. 

The weather has not been nice to me this week in Yuma. Yesterday's run was absolutely ugly. I got spoiled last weekend with 78-80 degree weather and intermittent shade while running. But at least I know I run better in cooler temps, even if the humidity is higher. Chicago weather, don't fail me now! Forecast shows a Saturday night low of 65 and a Sunday high of 79, perfect running weather!

I have one week left to make my fundraising goal as well. I have reached 90% of my $1000 goal, just $99 more to go! Woohoo! Click here if you'd like to donate. 

I'm so excited, I don't know what to write! Til next time...