Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Birthdays...Everybody has one...My mom's is coming up on Saturday, so I decided I needed to make a treat for her birthday. I don't think I've posted much on my eating habits, but I try my best to eat fairly clean most of the time. I try to keep it to one cheat meal a week, although, while I was on vacation, I cheated more than I'd like to admit. Last week, along with getting my behind back to CrossFit, I also started the 21 Day Sugar Detox. I'm on day 7 and doing well. Well, until I decided to make a treat for my mom...I kinda had to lick the bowl...but, hey, I'm proud of my food choices for the last week, so a little taste testing today isn't too bad.  I will have a brownie with my mom for her birthday as treat, but otherwise, no added sugars/fruit for 14 more days.

Here's a picture of my concoction: 
I'm going to call it Coconut Caramel Brownies. 

The topping is from The Urban Poser's Samoa Donuts and the brownie underneath is paleOMG's Fudgy Brownies. I love this brownie recipe, I use dates instead of figs, and make my own baking chocolate from cocoa powder and coconut oil instead of melting the Enjoy Life chocolate chips.

I suppose while I'm here I'll update on my knee. PT is going well. I made it to CrossFit two days last week and two days so far this week. I have one more PT session this week as well. Since I'm going out of town for the weekend, I may not make a third day at CrossFit, but we'll see. I may decide to drop in somewhere. My knee feels pretty good, as each day goes by, it gets a little better. I had a 5 lb PR on my back squat on Monday, and was able to do full squat cleans today. 

Well, I think that's about it for now. Last night was my last night of work, and I have yet to go to bed, so I think it is time to get some sleep. Back to a regular schedule for my time off. :)


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Just a little behind...

Oh dear...yes, it has been over a month since I last posted, and if you read the last post, you might remember I fell during my Sunday run. I didn't think much about this until my right knee seized up on me during the WOD the following day. Long story short, I'm knock kneed and have softening of the cartilage behind my patella. What did the doctor say? Running will aggravate the issue. CrossFit will aggravate the issue. You should bike or use an elliptical machine for cardio. However, I was never explicitly told not to train and run a half-marathon. I was never explicitly told not to CrossFit. I was given four weeks of physical therapy with kinesio taping to help strengthen the muscles around my knee. I was asked by the physical therapist to not squat or run for the first couple of weeks of PT, so he could start working on my VMO. 

This is week two of PT, and I've been really lazy about CrossFit, mainly because I hate modifying the WOD. Only one day of CrossFit last week, and so far no CrossFit this week.

But...that is all about to change...did I mention I've been on vacation and out of town off and on for the last three weeks? Yeah, that hasn't helped either. Ok, who am I kidding? I've been in a rut. I can make all the excuses in the world, but I'm the one that chooses to do or not do something. I let a couple of doctors and an acute injury discourage me. Today, I'm choosing to make a change. I will go to CrossFit on Thursday (two weeks of PT will have been completed, thus fulfilling my physical therapist's requirements), a place I love dearly, and if I need to modify, I will. I know the limitations of my body. I will be okay. I made a choice a little over a year ago to try out CrossFit, on my own, knowing no one, and it was the best choice I could have ever made regarding my health and well-being. Back to CrossFit I go on Thursday morning...10am...if anyone wants to remind me of this, please do. :)  I know I have to be the one to make the choice, but a friendly nudge in the right direction is always appreciated.

Until next time...